Middleton-on-Sea Pond & Village Green
The current village pond was not in evidence in 1606, the earliest records of the pond is a map dated 1778 and a tithe map dated 1836 which shows the pond and green as it is now.
The pond was originally thought to have been used to wash the wheels of the carts before they headed down Sea Lane to the cart shed
The Pond and Green is situated in the centre of the village at the junction of Sea Lane and Middleton Road. It was previously owned by West Sussex County Council and the Parish Council maintained it for a number of years. In 2015 West Sussex County Council decided following a review of their property assets that they would dispose of the village pond and green.
In November 2015 following discussions with the Parish Council an agreement was reached with West Sussex County Council that they would transfer the freehold of the site to the Parish Council for £1 in its current condition. At a Parish Council meeting acceptance of this offer was agreed unanimously by members of the Parish Council.
It was also proposed at this meeting and agreed unanimously by members of the Parish Council to create a Charitable Trust in the name of “Friends of Middleton-on-Sea Pond & Green” and create a lease for both east and west sides of the green to the Trust for initially 25 years.
In December 2016 the charity was approved and registered with the Charities Commission. A Constitution of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation was also approved which shows how the charity will be managed which is managed by 6 Trustees. The Trustees can also appoint up to 4 non-voting members onto an advisory sub-committee.
The Trustees have now been working on the Pond and Green for a few years and the pond and green is very much improved, regular work parties are arranged to do the work and they are always looking out for volunteers
The Charity relies solely on grants, donations and local support at the fund raising events that are organise.
If you would like to know more about or how to support the pond and green managed by the Friends of Middleton-on-Sea Pond & Green Charity No. 1170594 please contact the Parish Clerk 01243 585262 or by email [email protected]